Brasiliance Weekend at Richmix – 5 and 6 July
Brasiliance: A weekend of Brazilian Brilliance!
On July 5 & 6 Brasiliance was at Rich Mix encouraging audiences to discover a different Brasil in London. We produced a weekend of Brazilian arts, music, reading and oral history exhibition
We have put together an exciting programme based on the fascinating real-life stories of Brazilians who have been living in London since the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s.
Brasiliance Weekend was the culmination of this heritage project.
The programme included:
- Community Theatre workshops inspired by the oral history interviews, the workshop led by Tereza Araujo invited 3 community groups to meet at Rich Mix, take in the exhibition and provide a visual response to the festival.
- Visual arts and photo exhibition opening: Discovered the Brazilian Londoners who inspired us, curated by Walney Virgilio and Manoela Alfonso Anjos.
- Screening of the Brasiliance DVD ‘London pathways: heritage, identity and imagination’ and demonstration of how to make use of Brasiliance learning materials.
- Live Brazilian Music
- Extract Reading of Oral Histories
- Storytelling for children in English and Portuguese led by Najlla Andrade.
Paralell to the Brazilian Weekend we had the scratch performace of KITCHEN, a new play by Gael Le Cornec about love, politics and English biscuits. StoneCrabs received and Arts Council of England grant to commission Le Cornec to write a play inspired by the finding of the Heritage Project.