Forum Group
From May 2014 through to September 2015 we have come together to carry out an Oral History research on the historical context of Brasil and England in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s.
The group was formed by 6 members of a steering commitee and a forum group of volunteers who met regularly throughout the period. We devided themselves in four research groups, looking at:
- What was happening in Brasil?
- What was happening in England?
- Brazilian Visual arts
- Published Brazilian materials in the U.K
We also carried out Heritage site visits, workshops with our partner schools, received training on how to conduct Oral History interviews (training led by Rib Davis, accredited oral historian from the Oral History Society), all of which contributed to the production of our Book and DVD Brasiliance London Pathaways: heritage, identity and imagination
We are much indebted and grateful for the support of Alessandra Leighton, Claire Gordon, Jamile Carvalho Kollar, Julia Oliveira, Lucy Ella Warren, Manoela dos Anjos Afonso, Najla Andrade, Thais Dean, Walney Virgilio,William McGeoug, Thais Menezes, Carolina Cal Angrisani, Alan Figueiredo-Stow, Ricardo Nuno Abreu, Colin Berwick, Yuri Pirondi, Ines Von Bonhorst, Clodi Vasli, Ana Amalia Alves, Glaucia Orlandin, Ida Casili, Stephanie Yamson, James Scott, Kwong Loke, Tereza Araujo and Mariana Pereira, for contributing their time, skills, love and dedication to this project.