Histories and Images
Histories and Images : Brasiliance Community Workshops
A practical workshop exploring the theatrical and pedagogical universe of Augusto Boal and Paulo Freire.
The workshop’s aim:
To work with images from participant’s personal histories, using their ideas, bodies and creativity. The workshop will promote active engagement and will stimulate the participants’ freedom to express themselves and give them the confidence to celebrate their own background, by exchanging cultures and experiences through fun and play.
Through the exploration of drama techniques, the workshop will build the participants’ confidence in a safe space where open dialogue and respect are fully embraced. It will enable the participants to tell their personal histories, listen to other people’s histories, and use them to transform and re-create possibilities in their lives and their communities.
Our approach is based on:
The Theatre of the Oppressed by Augusto Boal and the Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire.
Theatre of the oppressed: uses theatre as means of promoting social and change. In the Theatre of the Oppressed, the audience becomes active, such that as “spect-actors” they explore, show, analyse and transform the reality in which they are living.
The pedagogy of the Oppressed: proposes a pedagogy with a new relationship between teacher, student, and society. It was first published in Portuguese in 1968, and was translated into English and published in 1970. The book is considered one of the foundational texts of critical pedagogy.
What do we use:
– Visiting Games from the Theatre of the Oppressed
– Image Theatre
– Free Improvisations
– Histories and Fun.
During 2013-2014 Brasiliance worked with Migrants Resource Centre, Institute of Education and the Latin American Work Association.
Please contact us if you would like us to deliver similar workshops to your group.